Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Where is the tomb of Saladin

Salah al-Din Ayyubi is an Islamic military commander, named King Al-Nasser Abu al-Muzaffar Salah al-Din and Aldnia Yusuf ibn Ayyub, and Salah al-Din is a famous title, the star of Salah al-Din during the era of the Abbasid Caliphate where the weakest, divided into several kingdoms, The caliph may only pray to him on the mosques' platforms. Born and born in the city of Tikrit in 1138, his father was Najmuddin Ayoub and his father, and Saladin was the founder of the Ayyubid state. Saladin was a Muslim and observant. Followed the Sunni doctrine, and was accompanied by Sufi scholars in his councils and listened to their advice and opinions on matters of religion and the world. He died in 1193 and the grief of the general public is great sadness for his death. The Islamic Ummah lost a military leader as a wise and compassionate thinker. His enemies also grieved him for his courage and nobility. Salah al-Din was buried in the Aziziya school near the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria, next to King Noor al-Din Zanki. He did not leave his mercy or money; he spent his money on charity and charity for the poor. The most important works Salah al-Din was able to unite Egypt and the Levant and the Hijaz and Yemen under the shadow of the Abbasid banner, after he had destroyed all the kingdoms and states that were following the Abbasid caliphate by name only, especially since some of these kingdoms have begun to ally with regimes from abroad. Many of the areas of the Levant were under the control of the Crusaders, and after Salah al-Din spent the Fatimid state in Egypt took the preparation to go to the Levant to fight the Crusaders, led several campaigns and fought the Crusaders and defeated them, and recovered much of the Holy Land, which they seized in Palestine And Lebanon, especially the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif after their defeat in the Battle of Hittin immortal. His work in Egypt was under the rule of the Fatimid state and after conquering Salah al-Din this country focused his attention on building a strong state in Egypt because of his belief in the importance of Egypt in the Arab environment, so we note that his wars and conquests did not prevent him from building a strong economy in Egypt People, to provide security in the country has been achieved so that the farmers felt security and stability, and everyone went to work and stopped their revolutions, and increased production and expanded trade and the prosperity of the country.

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