Italy is a parliamentary republic located on the European continent, located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Its coordinates are located on the equator between latitude 35 ° and 47 ° north, between latitude 6 ° and 19 ° east, and have a range of international borders with France , Austria and Slovenia, with an area of 301,338 km2, with about 60.8 million inhabitants. Italy's landmarks There are important and distinctive landmarks that decorate the land of Italy: Pisa Tower is located in Piazza del Pisa Cathedral, known as the Piazza del Duomo in the Tuscany region. The most striking of the sights is a slanted structure, up to 55.86 meters, 5 thousand metric tons, was established in 1173, and is intended for hundreds of tourists daily from around the world. Lake Como is a glacial lake in the Lombardy region, with a total area of 146 km2, making it the third largest lake in the country. It is a major attraction in Italy. It has spectacular views, an amusement park for sailing, windsurfing, Of tourist services. Amalfi Coast is the extension of the southern coastline of the Sorrentine peninsula in the southern province of Salerno. The site attracts thousands of tourists annually. Since 1997, the lake has been included in a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is one of the main churches in Florence. It was built in 1296 by Gothic style and was designed by Arnolfo di Campio. The most notable feature is the marble, green and pink marble. Ter-Sync is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Parks and is located in the Liguria district to the west of the city of La Spezia, nestled amidst a range of hills that are given by its magnificent nature. The Palace of Spada is one of the palaces in the Italian capital of Rome, located in the square of Cabo de Ferro. The palace contains an important collection of works known as the Galleria Spada, dating back to the seventeenth century by Cardinal Bernardo Spada and his nephew Fabrizio Spada . The palace of Varnese is one of the important palaces built during the Renaissance. It was designed by Antonio de Sangallo at the request of Cardinal Sandero Varnesi in 1514, after parts of the medieval Colosseum were destroyed and Napoleon was taken over by the French embassy. In the Italian country.
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