Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Archaeological Aad Watthood

The people returned to return is one of the Arab peoples that lived in the Arabian Peninsula, and God sent them a lion, a prophet, they refused to submit or respond to him, God was angry and sent them a strong storm Abdthm the last, except the Prophet Hood and everyone who believes with him. The city of Erm is the capital taken by people who returned to them, located in the area stretching between Yemen and Oman. When the Prophet Houd ordered them to leave the worship of stones, and called them to worship God to prevent the torment of the Day of Resurrection, his people met with contempt, and was described as silly and false and reckless, but the Prophet Hood assured them that The Messenger of Allah to them denied those qualities from him, and that he wanted to invite them to advise to prevent the torment of the Hereafter, and reminded them of the blessings of God, and that the earth has inherited them after the people of Noah, who perished in disobedience and sins, and the grace of the power of their bodies, His people did not pay attention to his words His call, but continued immersed in their desires and their disobedience to the call, God sent them a wind storm laden with dirt and dust. The ruins of the people of Aad The people of Aad were famous for their unparalleled palaces on the face of the earth. They lived in the Ahqaf area, a sandy area on the road between Yemen and Amman. They built a great city called Erm. Their city was characterized by tall palaces, The remains of the city of Erm were found in the late 20th century after the dust was removed. The city of Erm was once considered a legend until the ancient ruins of the city were discovered, which are located deep into the desert. The people of Hood are people believed to have links to the Petra region of Jordan and Madain Saleh, mentioned the people of Hood in the Koran, and also believed that they are from Yemen; where they moved to the north, the mention of the people of Hood in the Koran coupled with the people of return, Tammoud is a tribe from the Arabian Peninsula, who lived in a city called Thamud in Yemen, and a large proportion of them spread in the Sinai and Hijaz, after they moved towards the Arabian Peninsula coming from Babylon after the sons of Ham fought with them in the place. The history of this inscription dates back to the 8th century BC, in the same period of the eruption of battles between the people of Hood and the Assyrians, and the name of Thamud was also mentioned in a temple of the Greeks located to the northwest of the Hijaz , As mentioned by HUD in a number of the works of Ptolemy, Aristotle and Pliny, in a number of Byzantine books of the fifth century AD, and in a number of archaeological inscriptions, which were found around the city of Taima near Tabuk province in Saudi Arabia. Of the monuments and evidences dating back to the historians of the people of Hod Madaen Saleh, located in the north-west of Medina in Saudi Arabia.

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